Master Degree: Cinema and Communication Tools Engineering, Politecnico of Turin. 110/110
This master combines proper Telecommunications engineering expertise with the IT - Information & Communication Technologies specifics. The course allows to work efficiently on design, planning, production, execution and mantenience of broadcast systems (cinema, television and radio) and on the existing on line communication systems (such as the Internet, computer networks, e-learning platforms, and so on).
Main projects/courses
IMPROVE YOUR MOBILE: project realised with Alessandro Panotto, Girolamo Mancuso and Omar Ospedalieri during the Special Effects course held by professor Chiara Boeri. A short movie shooted on the streets of Turin edited with special effects.
SPOT ERA: project realised for the final test of Cognitive Psicotherapy held by professors Sabrina Montagna and Sebastiano Bagnara. Naming, logo design, brand image and video editing. The project was commissioned by the international creative agency based in Turin Leo Burnet for an ecologic car TV commercial. The project was carried out in team with Alessandro Panotto e Omar Ospedalieri.
E-LERNING: project developed for Multimedia Environments held by the porfessors Laura Farinetti and Antonio Servetti. Design and development of an e-Larning programme for the web based training of users connected in remote. In collaboration with Omar Spedalieri, the topic we focused was “Cinema History”.
SWEENEY JASON: editing and development of short movie in 3D for the Virtual Reality course held by Claudio Zunino. I’ve entirely designed in Blender a fusion between two masterpieces among the all times best horror movies “Friday the 13th” e “Sweeney Todd” in a quite dark final short movie!
NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS: project realized for Computer Graphics course held by the professors Andrea Sanna and Fabrizio Lamberti. I’ve design and interpreted Skellington the character form ‘’The Nightmare Before Christmas’’ movie produced by Tim Barton.
PALACE OF VENARIA 3D GAME: project realised with Alessandro Panotto, Girolamo Mancuso and Omar Ospedalieri during the Virtual Reality course held by professor Claudio Zunino